HF Kids

Nothing will impact the future more than the faith of our children.

Our church's main ministry focus is Children. Why?
Kids are a big deal to us, because they are a big deal to God!
We believe that children are a blessing from God, and should be treated and protected as such!

The safety and wellbeing of all children in our community has become our goal and motivation for a majority of our ministries, missions, and outreach events. That's why our children's ministry is our strongest and biggest ministry!

Each week, we strive to bring the stories of the Bible to life through play, art, games, and fun activities! Each subject builds on biblical truth, setting the foundaion for a life time of following Jesus!

Nursery: Age 0 – 3
HF Kids: Age 4 – Grade 5

Sunday Mornings

Each Sunday during the 10:15am service we host an HF Kids Worship! This kid friendly worship includes a kids bible story, worship with hand motions and dance, all complete with games and activities that further drive home the day’s lesson! Check in begins at 10 AM, and Pick up is directly after the 10:15 worship service ends.

Wednesday Nights

On Wednesdays at 6:15pm, our kids have a blast! All kids gather for a large group lesson that connects back to Sunday morning. Our Pre-K – Kindergarten kids go to Mission Friends where they learn about missions! Our 1st – 5th grade kids have small group and kids choir. Our kids choir performs multiple times a year for the whole church!

What do my kids learn?

When your child leaves HF Kids and graduates to Youth, they will know these Biblical Truths:

  1. God Made Everything
  2. God Loves me
  3. God Knows what’s best for me
  4. God can help me be brave
  5. I can thank God for everything
  6. God gave us Jesus
  7. Jesus Teaches me important things
  8. Jesus Loves Everyone
  9. Jesus wants to be my friend forever
  10. I can do what Jesus says


Check out our Curriculum

Partnering with Parents

We use Orange curriculum, which is unique in that it provides a way for us to partner with parents in the teaching God's Word!

The impact is greater when the church and family partner with a shared strategy to influence their children’s hearts. Parents can use the home resources to continue the conversation, reenforcing these biblical truths all week!


Parent Resources

HF Nursery

We provide an outstanding nursery during the Life Center Service on Sunday mornings, as well as during special church events.

Each nursery room is dedicated by age, allowing for developmentally appropriate toys and activities specifically matched to your child's stage and abilities.

Our volunteers are highly vetted and experienced, and each parent is given a "restaurant style" buzzer to be easily contacted to come if needed.

Got Questions?

We understand! We are here to answer any questions or you may have about getting your child involved in HF Kids; safety, security, check in and check out, you name it!

Click the FAQ button below to read our "Frequently Asked Questions".


Meet Ms. Paula!

You will never meet anyone more passionate about kids ministry than Ms. Paula, Our Children & Family Ministry Director!

With over 15 years of experience in children's ministry, she knows exactly how to make learning about Jesus fun and engaging for little souls.

Learn more about Ms. Paula

Contact Ms. Paula