We will be unpacking some crucial moments recorded in Acts from the life of the original church in order to better understand our own church and God’s plans for it.  Even more, you will get a clear picture of just how grand the church is in terms of its scope, size, and importance; how valuable it is to God; and how much He longs for it to mean to you.  Here’s the caveat to this study about the church. Everything that is true of a church “on the move” will be true, or becoming true, of the Chirst-followers who make it up. After all, the church is not a place you go, it’s the body of Christ into which we are invited by the grace of God to follow Christ on His mission of redemption and restoration. We are part of something very special!

 February 23, 2020 - Mack Jarvis

Movements Move

 March 29, 2020 - Mack Jarvis

When God Shows Up In the Praise